Jo Sonja Iridescent Acrylics

$18.32 inc. GST

JoSonja Iridescent Colours (Artist Quality) are translucent colours for highlighting, overall iridescent effects and faux finishes. Iridescent colours reflect off the backgrounds. Over dark surfaces, the colours are quite vivid. Over a light background, the colour appears soft and subtle.

Iridescent Colours appear milky until dried, label your palette to avoid confusion.
Apply to prepared surface full strength or thinned with medium, depending on desired effect.
Use a variety of techniques eg. sponging, stroking, dry brushing, splattering or overglazing to apply the colours. Colours will be more intense if undiluted. Apply undiluted to accent details using a dry brush technique.
Thin using a small amount of Retarder Medium or apply to a surface moistened with Retarder for a soft effect. Applty with a sponge or brush. Use thinned colour for a glaze over a painted surface. Brush a medium coat of thinned colour over prepared surface. Create various effects and patterns by removing the overglaze with a sponge, plastic wrap, or cloth for a ragging off technique.
Use Magic mix to thin colours for strokework, floated colour or to apply small amounts of iridescent colour. Add to final highlight colour for a unique effect. Layering will deepen colour.
For Splatteing, thin as needed using small amounts of Flow Medium or water for consistency desired. The more Flow Medium used the more transparent the colours become. Splatter by pulling the thumb over the end of a firm bristle brush filled with colour to produce the desired effect. May be applied over a thin coat of Clear Glaze Medium so that excess splattering can be removed.

Additional information

Weight 0.080 kg

JS Red Iridescent, Js Gold Iridescent, Js Violet Iridescent, Js Green Iridescent, Js Blue Iridescent, Js Turquoise Iridescent