Masterson Sta-Wet Palettes

$39.10$77.76 inc. GST

Perfect size for those small projects and the class room.  Acrylics stay moist on the open palette for hours while you work and stay open up to several weeks when stored with the air tight lid closed.

The Sta-Wet Palette includes five sheets of palette paper, a sponge and a plastic snap tight lid.

*Staff tested and recommended product. “I’d waste so much paint without my Masterson Sta-Wet palette. It has kept my paints wet even during the Australian Summer months. I just lightly spritz my palette paints regularly with a retarding medium while I’m working.” – Tammy

*Handy hint* use distilled water to soak the sponge to prevent bacteria build up and your colour palette. It will last for weeks and even months for those extra big paintings!

Additional information

Weight 0.630 kg

Handy Palette, Painters Pal, Premier Palette